
Fastest web hosting for WordPress in 2024

Picking a fast web host for your WordPress website or blog is essential to your success. WordPress as a CMS is fast but with some features like plugins and themes, it can become very slow. Add a page builder and it can become VERY slow.

The bad news is, you can’t do without a few plugins or a theme. They are what makes your site perform the functions that you need it to. And if you are running an e-commerce store, a flashy blog, a video blog, or something close to it, you will most definitely run into speed issues.

And the good news is that you can make WordPress first. The foundational and first step to achieving this is by picking a fast and secure web hosting company. This is the most important step in having a fast WordPress website, especially for people with many readers from different parts of the world.

In this article, you will see the fastest WordPress web hosting. What makes this list different is that it is purely on merit. I am not paid to write this or include anyone, yes, we will put in affiliate links but it has no bearing at all on listing. The affiliate link is just to bring in some revenue. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, let’s look at what makes a web host fast.

What makes a web host fast?

There are 3 key areas that make a web host fast.

1. Tech stacks: The stacks a web host uses will determine how fast it is. An example is the cloud or hosting provider they use. All providers are not the same. Some are better at different regions. Google Cloud, AWS, Digitalocean, Linode, and Vultr are known to perform well. But Google Cloud and AWS have better global coverage networks. You can see their performance by region on CloudPerf. A good tip is to pick a location closer to the majority of your users, however, thanks to CDN which I will discuss in number 3, this is no longer a deal breaker.

Also, the caching infrastructure that they use is important. A host that uses a good object cache solution like Redis will speed things up for a website with many database queries. A host with a good server caching solution will speed the site up without the need to buy expensive caching plugins. Server-based cache outperforms WordPress plugin-based cache for real-world users.

Some of your users may not see the cached version of your site, these things listed above will ensure that they still get a fast responsive website.

2. Server resources: This should be very easy to understand. The more resources your website has, the better prepared it is to perform well. A web host with clear dedicated resources like RAM, CPU, and the like will work better as you can know what you have on what you need. What is even better is a web host that auto-scales up or down depending on the resources that you need, this ensures that your website always has enough resources to perform.

Because of this, you should be careful of share hosting unless you are just starting out with a small site. If you are starting a small site and don’t expect a lot of visitors then shared hosting is a good place to begin.

3. CDN and CDN configuration: The closer your website is to your users, the faster they can access it. Think of it like driving a car somewhere, the closer the destination you are going is, the faster you will get to it. A CDN makes many copies of your website and stores them in different locations around the world, making it easier for your users to access it. Look at it like McDonald’s, they have different shops around the world. Someone in Japan does not need to go to the USA to get McDonald’s, they can get it right there in Japan. That is what a CDN does. It makes your site accessible faster around the world.

While most web hosts offer CDN integrations, there are 2 things you should consider; the CDN provider they are using and how your website is served.

All CDN providers are not the same. Google Cloud, Bunny.net, and Cloudflare are known to have good performances. You can see the performance of different CDN providers on CDNPerf.

It is not enough to have a web host that uses a good CDN, how they implement it is important. A host that efficiently implements full-page CDN caching will make your website very fast around the world.

Fastest web hosting for WordPress

RankWeb hostPlatformCDNSpeed rating
1.Rocket.netPerformive, OVHCloudflareVery fast
2.TemplGoogle CloudGoogle Cloud CDNVery fast
3.KinstaGoogle CloudCloudflareVery fast
4. ServeboltServebolt CloudCloudflareVery fast
5.CloudwaysGoogle Cloud, AWS,
Digitalocean, Linode,
CloudflareVery fast
6.PresslabsGoogle Cloud, Hetzner,
Leaseweb, DigitalOcean,
Softlayer, AWS and Heficed
PresslabsVery fast
7.ClosteGoogle CloudGoogle Cloud CDNFast
8.EasyWPNamecheapSupersonic CDNFast

1. Rocket.net

There is a new idea used by most webhosting company now, it is offering Cloudflare enterprise on a cheap to customers. This whole new revolution was started by Rocket.net. Yes, they started it. Now everyone is adopting it.

They make use of not so known and powerful providers like Performive and OVH. But that is compensated with their implementation of Cloudflare. No one does the whole Cloudflare enterprise intergration like them. For CDN cache, they offer a full page CDN which is the fastest and best implementation of Cloudflare CDN.

They offer object caching via Redis. For the smaller plans, you can use the free redis cache plugin on WordPress. But for bigger plans, you get access to resids cache pro plugin.

They have a good support team, security is top notch as they make use of Cloudflare firewall and imunify360.

What you will like about Rocket.net

  • Cloudflare enterprise
  • Full page CDN cache
  • Redis object cache
  • Very fast web host
  • Good support
  • Good security features

What you may not like about Rocket.net

  • Cheapest price is $30/month
  • A few bugs but support is always thhere.

2. Templ

Templ may not be a big name, but I guarantee you that they will blow your mind away. Anyone who has used them will argue that they should be number one on the list. And I agree. It was tough picking between the the top 2.

They make use of Google Cloud and Google CDN. The premium tier Google Cloud network. The same infrastructure that powers Google and YouTube. They also offer full page CDN cach via Google external HTTP(s) load balancer.

Also, you get redis cache to speed up database queries. All you have to do is ask the support and it will be activated for you.

For security, they have an efficient firewall and run regular malware scans. A nice control panel that is easy to navigate.

What you will like about templ:

  • Premium Google Cloud network
  • Full Page CDN cache via Google Cloud
  • Redis object cache
  • Good security features
  • Good support
  • Very fast web host
  • A lot of managed features to speed up site

What you may not like about Templ:

  • A few bugs but responsive support helps
  • Server resources for smaller plans are low

3. Kinsta

Kinsta is a big name in the managed Wordpress hosting industry. They biggest advantage of using Kinsta is the peace of mind you get. They are a reputable company with solid footings that gives you the peace of mind. And they are fast.

They make use of Google Cloud premium network. But unlike Temple, they do make use of Cloud flare CDN instead. You can cache your static assets on the egde.

For security, they have a good implementation of Cloudflare firewall.

What you will like about Kinsta:

  • Google Cloud Premium network
  • Cloudflare Enterprise
  • Big and trusted brand
  • Early hints
  • Good security features
  • World class customer support
  • Very fast hosting

What you may not like about Kinsta:

  • Cheapest plan is $35
  • Redis cost $100 monthly / site

4. Servebolt

Servebolt is sysnomous with speed. This is a web hosting built for speed. From optimised phyical machines to optimized server stack, everything about servebolt is meant to speed up your site. If you want to speed up a large website, it is probably the best option

They make use of their own customized servers. Then back it up with Cloudflare enterprise. They have built a great product on top Cloudflare Enterprise known as Accelerated domain. It is comparable to Cloudflare APO but performs far better.

For security, excellent firewall implementation and a lot of security features.

What you will like about Servebolt:

  • Optimized Servebolt Linux
  • Cloudflare enterprise
  • Accelerated Domain
  • Very fast web host
  • Good security features
  • Good support

What you may not like about Servebolt:

  • Cheapest price starts at €99
  • Accelerated domain costs € 249 monthly
  • Small storage.

5. Cloudways

Cloudways has become known for allowing users the choice of various server providers from Google Cloud to AWS, Digitalocean, Linode and Vultr. They offer a lot of performance features that will be expensive in most places.

On Cloudways, you have the choice of picking which cloud providers you want. They also make use of Cloudflare Enterprise to boost performance and security.

If you go with their auto-scale solution, you get way more speed and a better experience. Your site never goes offline as it is automatically adjusted to contain whatever traffic spike comes

You get Redis cache and the Redis cache pro plugin for free. You also get varnish cache. If you like to take your destiny into your own hands but don’t have the technical skills to do so, then Cloudways is the best for you. You get to choose a cloud provider and many more.

Just to note, Cloudways is now owned by Digitalocean.

What you will like about Cloudways:

  • Freedom to choose cloud providers from Google Cloud, AWS, Linode, Digitalocean and Vultr
  • Cloudflare enterprise
  • Redis cache and varnish cache
  • Very fast web host
  • Good support
  • Many add ons
  • Auto scale

What you may not like about Cloudways:

  • A lot of options and settings
  • Premium support is paid for but they also have free support

6. Presslabs

Presslabs was built for publishers. While the platform can be used by everyone, it is very popular among top bloggers and publishers.

They make use of Google Cloud for the backend configurations. And the list of providers also include Hetzner, Leaseweb, DigitalOcean, Softlayer, AWS and Heficed. Their CDN is customised and run by them.

I personally like their dashboard. Very useful. And for publishers, you get analytics on how many users used Adblocker.

What you will like about Presslabs

  • Very fast web host
  • Good cloud providers used
  • Static asset served via CDN
  • Intelligent team and support
  • Excellent security features
  • Built for publishers

What you will not like about Presslabs

  • Pricey
  • Image optimization costs $30

7. Closte

Closte is a pay-as-you-use WordPress hosting provider. You only pay for what you use. It is one of a kind and for some, it is a breath of fresh air. If your traffic goes up, so does your bill, if it goes down, so does your bill.

They make use of Google Cloud premium network. Also, they use Google Cloud CDN. Their websites used the full page CDN cache via Google external HTTP(S) load balancer, but for users, they don’t use that. They only serve static assets via CDN for users unlike Templ which offers full page CDN cache via Google Cloud for users.

Have an efficient object cache plugin and a very good security system. But the support is rude and most time, not helpful.

What you will like about Closte:

  • Google Cloud
  • Static assets via Google Cloud CDN
  • Object cache
  • Pay for only what you use
  • Auto scalable
  • Good security features.

What you may not like about Closte

  • Bad support
  • They only provide support for their Closte platform not for WordPress

8. EasyWP

EasyWP is a cheap WordPress hosting platform. The only reason I have included it here is for those looking for a very cheap option that is okay.

They are owned by Namecheap and make use of Namecheap infrastructures including Supersonic CDN.

For the price, it offers a fast solution for beginners.

What you will like about EasyWP

  • Cheap WordPress hosting
  • Fast
  • Good support
  • Supersonic CDN

What you may not like about EasyWp

  • Limited plugin you can install
  • It is only suitable for small sites.


This is an unbiased review of the best web hosting for WordPress. Making a choice can be hard but you should be good with anyone you pick. They all offer free trial, so you can test and see.

All the first 6 are rated as superfast. You may not notice much difference between them. But in some cases, you might.

Kinsta and Cloudways are the biggest names which gives more confidence and peace of mind to users.